Getting started

The client-side encryption nature of Selective Share requires setup work to be done in both the web UI and the CLI tool for a new project. This walk-through shows the steps.

Jump to the steps.


The application that will use the secrets.
All the deployment environments / stages a single application passes through during the development cycle. For example Dev, QA, Production.
Humans that use Selective Share. Users can have read and write access to secrets depending on the access control settings.
Machine user
Programs that need access to secrets they need to run. Machine users can have only read access, depending on the access control settings, and they only have access to a single environment for a single application. There can be multiple machine users on a single server, such as when two different applications share a server.
Access key
The credential used by machine users to log into the API. Access keys are secrets. They must be handled as such.

Entity Relationship example

  • Web App (application)
    • QA (environment)
      • QA Server (machine user)
        • QA Key (access key)
    • Production
      • Production Server
        • Production Key
Secret Name Environment
QA Production
DBUSER qauser prduser
DBPWD qapassword prdpassword

Edit interface for entities

Entity Interface
Application Web UI
Environment Web UI
Machine User Web UI
Access Key Web UI
Secret Name CLI
Secret Value CLI


Server-side setup

In the web UI, do the following:

Location of application setup menu

  1. Create an application, e.g. WebApp
  2. Create an environment, e.g. QA
  3. Create a machine user, e.g. qa_server
  4. Create an access key for the machine user
    NB: Save the API key in the message box, this is the secret access key and it is not possible to display it again afterwards.
  5. You should end up with a setup similar to this:

Example application setup completed

Client-side setup

These steps are performed on your development machine.

  1. Download the CLI client from the Download menu

Location of Download button

  1. Extract the executable and install it somewhere in your path.
  2. Check that the application can be called from anywhere with sltv -v. It should print the version string.
  3. Initialise your (human) user account and provide the login credentials you use for logging into the web app.
    sltv init -u
    This will generate a GPG key pair and upload the public key.
  4. Confirm that everything is working.
    sltv check
    This should print the following information:
    Selective Share server:
    GPG version: 2.2.19
    Current directory: /home/YOU/wherever/
    Sltv home: /home/YOU/.sltv/
    User type: human user

Application server setup

These steps are performed on the application server.

  1. Install the CLI client in the path.
  2. Check that the client is accessable from anywhere with sltv -v.
  3. Set the API credentials
     export SLTV_API_USER=7b4d737b-b6a6-4763-aee1-72de799e5b23

    Finding the API user id.

  4. Go to the working directory of the application that will use the secrets.
  5. Initialise the machine user’s account.
    sltv init -m
    This will generate a GPG key pair and upload the public key.
  6. Confirm everything is working.
    sltv check
    This should print the following information:
    Selective Share server:
    GPG version: 2.2.19
    Current directory: /home/YOU/webapp/
    Sltv home: /home/YOU/webapp/.sltv/
    User type: machine user

Generate an environment key

This step is performed on your development machine.

  1. Create an environment key. It is used to encrypt all the secrets in a single environment.
    sltv gen-key -t env -g -a WebApp -e QA
    This will create a symmetric key for the environment, encrypt that key with your and the machine user’s GPG keys and upload the encrypted environment key.

Add a secret

On your development machine, add two secrets

sltv write-secret -a webapp -e qa -n DB_USER -s qauser
sltv write-secret -a webapp -e qa -n DB_PWD -s qapwd

This procedure encrypts the secret and uploads the encrypted secret.

Fetch the secrets

sltv read-secret -a webapp -e qa

This creates a directory sltv-secrets with a .env containing all the secrets.